Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Welcome Fall 2007

Wow, where did the summer go? Wasn't it just May and now we're sitting perched on the cusp of October? There is a crisp coolness to the air and today is the standard Seattle drizzly day that will now last until April. Remember when you were young and summers seemed to drag on forever? Probably because you were so excited at the prospect of a new school year. Now summer flies into fall which leaps into winter which races into spring and zooms back into summer. Seasons begin to blur together and years seem to go by at the blink of an eye.

Last night when I arrived home from work our front walk was covered in leaves. As I entered the house I ran to grab my hat and fuzzy slippers. It was cold! I had to turn on the heat! It isn't even October yet..........

Welcome fall.

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