Sunday, June 07, 2009

2009 Yard Photos

Seems like last summer all I did was blog about our yard and the updates we were making.

Don't worry, we've still been working in it non-stop, just haven't taken the time to capture any photos of it.

Here are some of my blog posts from last summer.
Today I spent the entire day ripping up an area of weeds, laying down compost, building stairs and planting some ground cover. Here is the end result:

Doesn't look like much now, but once that ground cover starts to spread it is going to be so much better than a bed of weeds!

I also added some ground cover around Helmond's Pillar.

One of our Clematis passed away during the winter so I replaced it with this fuchsia tree.

Here are the backyard raised beds.

My friend Dennis made me this beautiful blue garden art (which I LOVE) so I placed it next to the rose bush he and his wife Melissa gave us as a house warming gift.

Front yard raised beds update.

This area was my project a couple of weeks ago. This area was filled with dead grass. Looks a million times better in my opinion.

And lastly, here are a bunch of "confetti" flowers I found at Fred Meyer and planted in this great hanger that used to be my grandmother's.

I love our yard!


Anonymous said...

On the blog you were asking about getting rid of a Juniper. We had a very large hedge of Juniper removed (probably 5-6 large plants) for $300.

Hoc Nygen is who we used. 206-240-3437

KikiRiki said...

KRG, you can come over anytime! I'd be happy to tour you around the yard :)

Anonymous, thanks for the referral!

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